Who we are?

Leveraging Expertise in Premium Audio, We Deliver Breakthrough Bone Conduction Headphones

For over 7 years, our team of engineers – with a proven track record designing audio processors for industry leaders like Bose and Sennheiser – has pursued excellence in headphone technology. Today, we’re thrilled to introduce BEAT II, our innovative bone conduction headphones designed for exceptional sound quality, unmatched comfort, and everyday privacy.

BEAT II represents the culmination of two years of meticulous research in bone conduction technology. We’ve focused on creating a daily-use headphone that excels in every aspect. Through rigorous prototyping and testing, we’ve engineered BEAT II to deliver:

  • Premium Bone Conduction Sound: Experience a wider range of rich, clear audio thanks to our advanced audio processors.
  • Unmatched Comfort: Enjoy a secure, comfortable fit throughout your day with our innovative design.
  • Enhanced Privacy: Our design minimizes sound leakage for a more private listening experience.
  • Extended Battery Life: Power through your day with a long-lasting battery.
  • Lightweight Portability: Take your music anywhere with BEAT II‘s compact and convenient design.

BEAT II: The Bone Conduction Headphones for Everyday Excellence

We believe BEAT II sets a new standard for bone conduction headphones. Experience the future of audio – visit our website to learn more about BEAT II.